Easy discovery and engagement with suppliers & partners

Avoid the hassle of emails, phone calls and spreadsheets when you need answers


You spend a great deal of time and effort managing partners/suppliers spreadsheets. When you need to find a supplier/partner to support your service sales and delivery teams on an opportunity, you send out countless emails, waiting for responses. 

Inevitably a few suppliers/partners are not sent emails as the data you have on them is outdated. To update their capabilities you regularly send more emails to update your spreadsheets.


With Bench, all of this is a thing of the past. Your supplier/partner ecosystem is incentivised to keep their digital profile constantly updated. You have at your fingertips aggregated real time data on your entire ecosystem of suppliers/partners. 

With a few clicks you know exactly who can support your service sales and delivery teams on an opportunity. You can send them an EOI, SoW or T&M opportunity and quickly know if they are interested. 


You have unlocked valuable time to focus your attention on proactively recruiting suppliers/partners into your ecosystem and provide even more value. Your suppliers/partners are more engaged because now they get every opportunity that matches their capabilities. It’s a real win-win.

See it for yourself. Try Bench for free

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